Joan O'Brien, MD
Chair, Dept of OphthalmologyDirector, Scheie Eye Institute
The lead investigator on the Primary Open-Angle African American Glaucoma Genetics (POAAGG) studying the genetics of ocular diseases. Especially interested in the genetics of retinoblastoma, uveal melanoma, and glaucoma.
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Susan C. Taylor, MD
Associate Professor of Dermatology,Univ of Pennsylvania
A clinician-educator who has pioneered and profoundly influenced the field of dermatology by establishing and defining Skin of Color dermatology as an area of sub-specialty. She works to advance and promote clinical knowledge of the unique needs and treatment challenges posed by ethnic skin and hair.
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Li-San Wang, PhD
Professor of Pathology & Laboratory Medicine; Co-Director, Penn Neurodegeneration Genomics CenterMy interest is in studying the genetics of Alzheimer's disease and related dementia in diverse populations with focus on Asian populations in Asia and North America. Founded the Asian Cohort for Alzheimer's Disease (ACAD).
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Anne Marie McCarthy, ScM, PhD
Assistant ProfessorDept. of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Informatics (DBEI), Univ. of Pennsylvania
A cancer epidemiologist, whose research aims to reduce the burden of cancer, particularly among ethnic minorities, through innovative approaches to cancer prevention and early detection. My work seeks to integrate genetic, molecular, and imaging biomarkers to better predict and detect poor prognosis breast cancers.
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Iain Mathieson, PhD
Associate Professor of GeneticsMy lab uses statistical and population genetic methods to investigate the evolution and genetic basis of complex traits in humans. We develop statistical methods to predict complex traits including disease risk across diverse populations, and use both ancient and modern DNA to study the evolution of those traits.
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Rachel M. Werner, MD, PhD
Executive Director, Leonard Davis Institute of Health EconomicsRobert D. Eilers Professor, Health Care Management - Wharton School
Seeks to understand the effect of health care policies and delivery systems on quality of care. In particular, she has examined the role of quality improvement incentives on provider behavior, the organization of health care, racial disparities, and overall health care quality.
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Steven Joffe, MD, MPH
Chief, Division of Medical EthicsFounders Professor of Medical Ethics and Health Policy
My research focuses on ethical, regulatory, and policy challenges in medicine and science, with a particular emphasis on the ethical, legal, and social implications (ELSI) of genomics.
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Gerd Blobel, MD, PhD
Frank E. Weise III Professor of PediatricsCo-Director UPENN Epigenetics Institute
The Blobel lab focuses on the genetic and epigenetic control of hematopoiesis and its disorders. One special emphasis of the lab is to understand the control of the β-globin gene cluster. Efforts are underway to improve treatment of diseases that affect the globin genes such as sickle cell disease and β-thalassemia.
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Elizabeth Bhoj, MD, PhD
Assistant Professor of Pediatrics & GeneticsDiscovers new human disease genes, their mechanisms, and potential targeted therapies. In addition to ongoing gene discovery efforts, the lab focuses on three novel genes that lead to pediatric neurologic dysfunction: TBCK, H3F3A/B, and MAP4K4. A bedside-to-bench-to-bedside translational lab, bringing discoveries back to the patients. An area of intense focus is bringing clinical and molecular genetics research to areas without current local infrastructure.
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Rachel L. Kember, PhD, M.Sc.
Assistant Professor of PsychiatryMy research focuses on the phenotypic architecture of common genetic risk for substance use and psychiatric disorders using data from large-scale biobanks with linked electronic health records (EHR). I am co-chair of the PsycheMERGE Diversity Initiative, a multi-site effort to address disparities in psychiatric genetics research by combining multi-ancestral data across EHR sites.
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Danielle Reed, PhD
Associate Director, Monelle Chemical Senses CenterBitter taste in medicines constitutes a global public health challenge because of poor compliance with medication use. In humans, not everyone perceives bitterness in the same way in part due to inborn genetic differences in the bitter taste receptor gene family. We are developing reliable, human taste-cell screening platforms from ethnically diverse people to find bitter blockers with the ultimate aim to improve the taste and acceptance of perniciously bitter medicines for all people globally.
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Carmen E. Guerra, MD, M.S.C.E., F.A.C.P.
Associate Director of Diversity and Outreach, Abramson Cancer CenterAdvisory Dean, Dr. Helen O. Dickens House
A cancer control researcher whose research seeks to better understand and design interventions to overcome barriers to accessing cancer screening and cancer clinical trials. Dr. Guerra established a colorectal cancer screening navigation program and a breast cancer screening navigation program for underserved individuals in Philadelphia which have screened over 3000 individuals for cancer.
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